Thursday, August 14, 2008

my date with an ex-pat, Part 2

I know y'all are dying to know - yes I went on a second date with

the ex-pat. He is still tall, good-looking and very much an

eligible bachelor, but, alas, he is back in England, as of

yesterday. A couple of you emailed me and asked where I meet such a

fine-looking thing, and I say with a red face: Craigslist (CL).

I know, I know. Craigslist is for desperate, lonely people right?

Well, I was desperate and lonely back in England a couple months

back, after coming back from my cousin's wedding where there so

much 'love and ceremony' in the air. (Bah humbug! LOL! Just kidding!)

So, I put an ad on Craigslist - it read 'American Girl in London',

and holy moly, within minutes, I was flooded with emails from some

fantastic male candidates. I mean, I've done CL in SF one or two

times and nothing, and here I am in London getting emails from

CEOs, entrepreneurs, Hedge Fund managers, barristers, etc. (I am

surprised I didn't get something from the Prime Minister). So I was

contacted by some major heavy contenders, including my ex-pat. (I

also got a few obscene pictures and someone offering to suck my

toes... so not all good, but pretty impressive in regards to CL


Many of you may not know this, but I have been single for three

years! Other than Mr. Rich - whom I talk about extensively in Goal

Digger - and that was anything but a regular, loving relationship.

Far from it...

So, my friends, I am ready to turn a new leave and give love a

chance, and Mr. Ex-pat may have entered into an auspicious

situation.... Alicia Dunams wanting to settle down.

OMG, say it ain't so!!

Yes, I know, I know it's been only two dates, yet I approached it a

bit differently than from other dates in the past three years: I

decided not to tell him about my book. The reason: I find that fact

about me scares men off a bit... or I can definitely say it

separates the men and the boys. Since the publishing of Goal

Digger, it seems that only older, wealthy gentlemen can handle my

sass and gumption, while younger, regular-type guys systemically

"head for the hills."

Nonetheless, after Date 2, I ended up sending him a text message

about my book, as I felt dishonest holding that fact back. So I

figured I may not hear back from him. But I did.

So, on another note, the ink is drying on my Korean publishing

deal, and in celebration I am offering a 'two-fer' deal: Two Goal

Digger books for the price of one - both autographed. Go to and enter 'two-fer' or 'two for' - they

both work, to get your books TODAY.

Also, email me with questions. And I love your feedback: I read

every last one of my emails. Keep them coming....

Follow me on

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Regards and Kindness,


P.S. And, as for the ex-pat, I'll keep you posted.

237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

Monday, August 4, 2008

Men like Goal Digger too!

I got the following email from one of my gentlemen fans:

What you're doing is great! Even us non millionaire men can learn from this. Thanks!

Look ma... I'm going to India

Ok, most of you know me as friend, associate, "Goal Digger", and mom (well, only Izzy calls me that, unless I have some other children running around out there), and all of you, unless you are sleeping under a rock, know that I love traveling... I'm a renegade traveler, if I do say so myself.

So other than being a "Goal Digger", I also coach other entrepreneurs to achieve their personal, financial, and business goals. One of my clients, Connie Umbenhower, is doing just that with her new luxury wellness company, Himalayan Boot Camp,

So, I will be traveling to India this October 23-November 7, and if you want to get fit and unwind, and have a life-changing adventure, I would love for you to join me. And, get this, there is a huge discount for the inaugural journey... see below for more information... See you in the Himalayas!!

Get Fit and De-stress, while Trekking the Himalayan Foothills and Dining on Local Gourmet Cuisine

Luxury wellness tour company offers a $3000 dollar inaugural discount for its one-of-a-kind exotic getaway to the Himalayan Foothills

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 31, 2008 -- Himalayan Boot Camp, a U.S.-based luxury wellness company, is offering a $3000 dollar discount for its two week inaugural tour to the Himalayan foothills of India, scheduled for October 23 through November 7, 2008.

Himalayan Boot Camp is an exotic, luxurious getaway that combines adventure, travel, gourmet food and personal fitness aimed at propelling your mind and body toward achieving a balanced healthy lifestyle.

Himalayan Boot Camp was founded by Connie Umbenhower, author of The Deity Diet, a book specializing in healthy Indian cuisine, scheduled to come out Winter 2008.

"The demands and stress of everyday living have left most of us with no time for much needed relaxation. We are a society running ourselves into the ground," states Connie Umbenhower. "Our boot camps are the perfect gift to pamper yourself with, to rejuvenate your energy, reconnect with nature and invigorate your body, mind and spirit."

Himalayan Boot Camp offers unparalleled, all-inclusive getaways that include luxurious accommodations at a 1600 acre tea plantation in the Himalayan foothills. It includes gourmet, health-conscious dining, as well as daily hikes and mountain excursions amidst spectacular scenery. Guests will enjoy massages, meditation and yoga classes, capping off each boot camp with a visit to the Taj Mahal.

Ultimately, the goal of the company is to provide its guests with a delightful and unforgettable experience.

For more information go to or call 1-866-928-9911 to book now and redeem the $3,000 discount. Space is very limited.