Friday, September 26, 2008

Creative Money Technique numero uno!

Ok, here you have it - Creative Money Technique numero uno! It's something I do that generates 1500$ of income a month - with little effort.

Okay, unless you live under a rock, you have no-doubt heard that the World's economy is in a bit of a melt-down. Not everyone is worried though, like Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, and moi - because I just got creative. (You guys must know me by now - I thrive on challenges!)

With the sub-prime loan crisis, people are losing their homes by the droves. This actually creates a unique opportunity: a hot rental market (because people have been forced out of their homes and purchasing a home is more difficult) and great real estate deals (one of my clients is buying a short-sale condo in Vegas for 210K, it was valued at 550K two years ago.)

So, this Creative Money Technique is to capitalize on the former - a hot rental market!

You don't need another investment/rental property to capitalize on the hot rental market - just look no further than that spare bedroom with the boxed x-mas tree and wrapping paper, or that unfinished basement vying for some TLC.

Those SPACES are money-makers; they just don't know it yet...

Here of some examples of "thinking outside the box" and making money on SPACE...

1. Residents in the town of Wimbledon, England rent their garage and driveway space for hundreds of dollars a day during Wimbledon.

This is called profiting from pain. The pain for Wimbledon fans = no parking. The solution = provide parking and profit.

(Why do you think bottles of H2O at Disneyland and other theme parks are like 5 bucks? They're profiting from our pain, baby!) 2. A friend rents out her spare bedroom to a business man who comes into town once a month. Interestingly enough, the business man sometimes doesn't come for months on end, or when he does it's for a day a so. He just wants a physical address to receive packages.

So my friend is getting a monthly check without anyone really being there.

3. A couple who has a large 2 bedroom house, but wanted to make better use of the space. So they particle-boarded off two extra rooms to rent out to foreign exchange students. The rent from the foreign exchange students pays 2/3rds of their mortgage.

4. A financial savvy women who will be an empty nester next fall when her last child leaves for college. Her large beautiful home in Marin is almost paid for, and she is converting her basement into a turn-key flat with a separate entrance. She will live rent-free and the rent she receives from her beautiful home will be a significant source of income.

5. One of my girlfriends, who is also a single mom, rents out her extra room to another single mom. Instead on money, her renter provides day-care and domestic duties.

6. A college student who bought a 4-bedroom house and rents out 3 of the bedrooms. Her mortgage is paid for by the rent.

These stories motivated me to simplify and cut costs. So I now rent out my extra bedroom to female Korean international students. I am completely pleased with the situation, as they provide company for me and my daughter when they are here, but most of the time they are at school or traveling on weekends.

Besides, I get a kick out of other people contributing to the mortgage bucket each month. That way I can take my extra savings and apply it to my personal goals - like living the entire summer in Europe next year.

So, you want to make money on SPACE? Here are a few steps:

1) Take inventory of where you live. Is there something - an extra bedroom, storage unit, garage - that would be more valuable rented out rather than just used as a place to store junk?

2) Take inventory of the city you live. Every city has some sort of redeeming qualities that make it sought after. Is it a college town? A tourist destination? A business center? Scenic?

Commuting difference from a major city or landmark? This is how you will market your space and find potential renters.

3) Research how much money you can charge for your offering. (Check out similar postings on craigslist, etc.)

4) Put all three together and rent it out. Cha-ching...

Ok, now you are one step closer to your vacation in the Bahamas or trekking the Himalayas...

Friday, September 19, 2008

ambition... sin or virtue??

A few weeks ago I was in LA lying out on my girlfriend's couch after a fun, yet exhaustive week at Disneyland.

My friend was at work, my daughter was asleep, and so I decided to pop in the DVD, The Other Boleyn Girl, for a little entertainment, R&R, 'me time.' Good movie... but there was one line that rocked my world for about 10.7 seconds. It was when Anne Boleyn's mother states:

"Since when has ambition become a virtue - not a sin?"

%$#*! I never knew it was a sin.

Like many people I know, I have always been ambitious. I mean, for me it's always "doing this, doing that." Going here, 'goal'ing there. Ambition is like having air in my lungs - it gives me a kick in my step, like a bit of lavender oil. Truthfully, it's been a driving force since I did my first 'bucket list' when I was in 7th grade, which read something like:

Travel around the world-

Swim the Great Barrier Reef in Australia- Be a fashion model- Be an oceanographer- Feed the children-Etc.-

Well, I've achieved some of the above, with varying levels of success (which is up to one's own perspective). But those 'bucket lists' are like my shopping lists... they navigate me through my time on earth. Maybe I won't get to all of them, but my drive to achieve them opens up new doors and experiences I may not have considered.

So, going back to ambition. Is it a sin? Well, maybe sin-like, if I trampled over other people, small animals, and children to get to my goals, like how Tonya Harding ruffed up Nancy Kerrington on her way to Olympic Gold. (oh no she didn't! oh yes I did... brings back memories, huh?)

But in Tonya's case, was that a sin or a decision that lead to a lifetime of challenges and lessons that has made her who she is today?

Sometimes I get the odd question like "did you use Rich Men to get the material for your book." (which I can totally understand some people thinking.) Of course, I say NO because after I decided to write my book, I told everyone I dated about my book. And, in almost every case, that would lead to an interesting conversation, in which my dates would give me sound bites and their advice on chapter titles... "No, you should name it this!". And it was actually one of the men I dated who encouraged me to write the book.

So I will continue being ambitious, while doing my best to keep everyone happy and adding 'good ' to the world. (and remember 'good' is relative.)

It was Dr. Wayne Dyer that said, while pointing to his mostly bald head with a few white tufts, "This is A LOT of hair in a bowl of soup."

It's all perspective, baby!!!!!



Love your emails as always!!


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india or bust...

It may sound like all I do is travel and date. Au Contraire mon frère

I do work, a lot actually, but it doesn't feel like work, cause I'm doing what I love - I am a business coach, a success coach, if you will, and I help my clients take their dreams and make them a reality, by helping them focus and execute, with a whip-in-hand, take-no-prisoners, type of approach.

I started my business shortly after Goal Digger came out, as I found I had the natural inclination to motivate and charge people up, and so my business has grow exponentially.

So, one of my clients, Connie Umbenhower is currently making her dreams a reality. In four months, she has gone from Internet Technology Director to author (her book The Deity Diet comes out next month) and founder of Himalayan Boot Camp (, a wellness travel company. She has also already been on TV!!

Her inaugural all-inclusive Himalayan Boot Camp will be October 25-November 1, in the foothills of the Himalayas on a 1600 acre tea plantation. She has some *screaming deals*, so check out the website for the luxurious wellness program she has created.

I will be going on this inaugural trip, and I am completely ecstatic! I think we all need cathartic travel outings, like this one, to regroup and focus on what truly matters. It gives us time to relax, focus on personal growth, but also the time to be creative in dreaming up and visualizing our life’s goals.

And I know what some of you may be thinking... "OMG, I don't have any money." "The economy is in the toilet. I just can't." “I don't have the time!" Well, that kind of thinking often times keeps you in that 'stuck mode’... maybe in a job you hate, a relationship you are not happy with, and otherwise in a deep, down dirty FUNK. Does that sound like you? Isn’t it time to get unstuck?

Since I hear these concerns often, beginning tomorrow, I will send out my 5 Creative Money Techniques to FIND and SAVE money. I say FIND because money is out there; you just need to open your eyes to receive the abundance. Look for the #1 Creative Money Technique tomorrow!

Stay tuned,

Alicia Dunams

Thursday, August 14, 2008

my date with an ex-pat, Part 2

I know y'all are dying to know - yes I went on a second date with

the ex-pat. He is still tall, good-looking and very much an

eligible bachelor, but, alas, he is back in England, as of

yesterday. A couple of you emailed me and asked where I meet such a

fine-looking thing, and I say with a red face: Craigslist (CL).

I know, I know. Craigslist is for desperate, lonely people right?

Well, I was desperate and lonely back in England a couple months

back, after coming back from my cousin's wedding where there so

much 'love and ceremony' in the air. (Bah humbug! LOL! Just kidding!)

So, I put an ad on Craigslist - it read 'American Girl in London',

and holy moly, within minutes, I was flooded with emails from some

fantastic male candidates. I mean, I've done CL in SF one or two

times and nothing, and here I am in London getting emails from

CEOs, entrepreneurs, Hedge Fund managers, barristers, etc. (I am

surprised I didn't get something from the Prime Minister). So I was

contacted by some major heavy contenders, including my ex-pat. (I

also got a few obscene pictures and someone offering to suck my

toes... so not all good, but pretty impressive in regards to CL


Many of you may not know this, but I have been single for three

years! Other than Mr. Rich - whom I talk about extensively in Goal

Digger - and that was anything but a regular, loving relationship.

Far from it...

So, my friends, I am ready to turn a new leave and give love a

chance, and Mr. Ex-pat may have entered into an auspicious

situation.... Alicia Dunams wanting to settle down.

OMG, say it ain't so!!

Yes, I know, I know it's been only two dates, yet I approached it a

bit differently than from other dates in the past three years: I

decided not to tell him about my book. The reason: I find that fact

about me scares men off a bit... or I can definitely say it

separates the men and the boys. Since the publishing of Goal

Digger, it seems that only older, wealthy gentlemen can handle my

sass and gumption, while younger, regular-type guys systemically

"head for the hills."

Nonetheless, after Date 2, I ended up sending him a text message

about my book, as I felt dishonest holding that fact back. So I

figured I may not hear back from him. But I did.

So, on another note, the ink is drying on my Korean publishing

deal, and in celebration I am offering a 'two-fer' deal: Two Goal

Digger books for the price of one - both autographed. Go to and enter 'two-fer' or 'two for' - they

both work, to get your books TODAY.

Also, email me with questions. And I love your feedback: I read

every last one of my emails. Keep them coming....

Follow me on

Join my FB page...

Follow me on Twitter...

Regards and Kindness,


P.S. And, as for the ex-pat, I'll keep you posted.

237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

Monday, August 4, 2008

Men like Goal Digger too!

I got the following email from one of my gentlemen fans:

What you're doing is great! Even us non millionaire men can learn from this. Thanks!

Look ma... I'm going to India

Ok, most of you know me as friend, associate, "Goal Digger", and mom (well, only Izzy calls me that, unless I have some other children running around out there), and all of you, unless you are sleeping under a rock, know that I love traveling... I'm a renegade traveler, if I do say so myself.

So other than being a "Goal Digger", I also coach other entrepreneurs to achieve their personal, financial, and business goals. One of my clients, Connie Umbenhower, is doing just that with her new luxury wellness company, Himalayan Boot Camp,

So, I will be traveling to India this October 23-November 7, and if you want to get fit and unwind, and have a life-changing adventure, I would love for you to join me. And, get this, there is a huge discount for the inaugural journey... see below for more information... See you in the Himalayas!!

Get Fit and De-stress, while Trekking the Himalayan Foothills and Dining on Local Gourmet Cuisine

Luxury wellness tour company offers a $3000 dollar inaugural discount for its one-of-a-kind exotic getaway to the Himalayan Foothills

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 31, 2008 -- Himalayan Boot Camp, a U.S.-based luxury wellness company, is offering a $3000 dollar discount for its two week inaugural tour to the Himalayan foothills of India, scheduled for October 23 through November 7, 2008.

Himalayan Boot Camp is an exotic, luxurious getaway that combines adventure, travel, gourmet food and personal fitness aimed at propelling your mind and body toward achieving a balanced healthy lifestyle.

Himalayan Boot Camp was founded by Connie Umbenhower, author of The Deity Diet, a book specializing in healthy Indian cuisine, scheduled to come out Winter 2008.

"The demands and stress of everyday living have left most of us with no time for much needed relaxation. We are a society running ourselves into the ground," states Connie Umbenhower. "Our boot camps are the perfect gift to pamper yourself with, to rejuvenate your energy, reconnect with nature and invigorate your body, mind and spirit."

Himalayan Boot Camp offers unparalleled, all-inclusive getaways that include luxurious accommodations at a 1600 acre tea plantation in the Himalayan foothills. It includes gourmet, health-conscious dining, as well as daily hikes and mountain excursions amidst spectacular scenery. Guests will enjoy massages, meditation and yoga classes, capping off each boot camp with a visit to the Taj Mahal.

Ultimately, the goal of the company is to provide its guests with a delightful and unforgettable experience.

For more information go to or call 1-866-928-9911 to book now and redeem the $3,000 discount. Space is very limited.

Monday, July 28, 2008

P.S. My date with an expat

Long P.S.: So I went on a date last night with this American living
in London who is visiting SF for business. Nice chap. Mid-40s, tall,
good-looking with three kids. We had dinner at Water Bar, and the
conversation veered to marriage and kids. I would say it was more
his veering than mine - definitely so. He loved the fact I was a
mother, and went on to ask me those probing questions. You know those
questions - the ones in which you feel you are being sized up for
marriage. :)

He is a divorced man and I am a divorced woman. My marriage, which
basically, ended in a "peace out" (how sad is that) had an "easy"
divorce - we had no money and no property. But most divorces I hear
about our long, belabored, and ugly. So, what happens if you are a
woman marrying a divorced man who had one of these long, belabored,
and ugly divorces or vice versa. What are the economic implications??

That's where my friend, Adryenn Ashley, comes in. Her book launches
today, and it's all about the economics of divorce and marrying a
divorced man/woman, so check out

P.S.S. I will tell you later what happens between me and the
expat - if anything! :)


237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

My Korean Intern

OK, some of you know I no longer have a car. When I was in Europe,
I let my Korean intern use my car for her driving test. She has an
international driver's license, but she wanted a U.S. driver's
license as a souvenir, so to speak. So, I willingly let her use my
car, and did what I had to do to be the responsible tax-paying
citizen I am, like put her on my insurance, etc. blah, blah

She totaled the car the day I returned.

Poor soul, she went down a one way street the wrong way and collided
head-on with another vehicle. Fortunately, everyone walked away
unscathed, except my car, of course. And, needless to say, she
didn't pass her driver's test.

But, something inside tells me I mentally caused this to happen.
Since March, I have been thinking about going green, and giving up
- gulp! - driving. I was researching ZIP cars and public
transportation, and how much money I would save.

Did I cause this to happen??!!

Well, I don't know about that, but I know this for sure: Some
people may look at this incident as "unfortunate" or
"horrible." My mother, for instance, nearly had kittens (her
favorite saying). But I look at this "challenge" as an opportunity.
Now I have the opportunity to 1) be green, 2) save money 3) stay
fit w/out going to the gym (The Streets of San Francisco are my
gym!!) and the very best one 4) walk hand and hand with my
daughter as I walk her to summer camp.

So, again you can't control outside circumstances or events, but
you can always control your response. And mine is positive.

Now, back to my intern, there were no hard feelings, of course. I
love my intern, and she was very helpful in facilitating selling
the rights of Goal Digger to a Korean Publisher. So Goal Digger
( will be translated and distributed throughout
Korea. Wow, fancy that!


237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

What's your endgame??

It's been quite a while since I wrote a newsletter email, so I
thought it's about time I did.

I just got back from an amazing three weeks in Europe. I take ?
daughter to England every year to visit her grandparents who live
in the English Countryside. While she is visiting them, it gives me
a bit of free time to get some travel and adventure in, so I
visited two cities I've never been before: Prague and Dublin.

I have been known to travel alone, and I travel alone not only for
the sense of adventure and intrigue, but in the hopes to find some
tall European man to fall in love with and live happily ever after
- a la EAT PRAY LOVE. But what usually happens is I find myself
alone in a smoky cafe, people-watching and thinking too much --
thinking about my business, how to retire by age 35, and WHY I am
sitting alone in a smoky cafe people-watching. :) Ha-ha

I always wear something distinctly American when I travel - 10
years ago I traveled around the world with my trusty leather cowboy
hat (not really American, as I bought it in Costa Rica!). And now I
wore my favorite pair of roughed-up cowboy boots, aka.
'sh*t-kickers.' I loved the looks I got from international
passer-bys as I tromped through these delicate European cities - I
never know if they are looks of utter disdain or simple admiration -
or something in between. Anyway, the reason I tell you about my
travel tales is that I always find myself MAGNETICALLY CHARGED and
INSPIRED in new environments - I come up with great ideas and
resolutions, and arrive home with an INTENSE sense of ACTION. My
ENDGAME is always clearer.

So, what do I mean my endgame?

Endgame is what you visualize your life to be 1 year from now - 5
years from now - 10 years from now. It's what you want to be, do,
and have. It's being content and grateful for what you have now,
but focusing on something greater for the future. You need an
endgame in order to even THINK about an action plan.

So, my endgame is to be retired by the time I'm 35. (Of course, I
will still "work" because I'm an intrepid entrepreneur and I love
the creative process. But my endgame is not having to 'have' to
work at age 35. Big difference!) So let's see what happens -
I have 2 1/2 years to go... On your mark, get set, go...

So, what's your endgame??? ...because you need to determine THAT
before you determine anything else...

Join my FB page...
Follow me on Twitter...


P.S. and BTW - I hope I didn't offend anyone with the term
'sh*t-kickers'... :)

237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

Sunday, May 11, 2008


From: Alicia Dunams, Goal Digger

Hey Girl,

Would you believe that I’ve been whisked around the world in private jets by my millionaire boyfriends?

It’s true! Some days I would pinch myself to see if I was dreaming.

It all started when I joined a dating agency for millionaires.

I was tired of dating hippies and musicians with no aspirations. You know, the kind of guys who can’t commit to a job, much less a woman. I thought perhaps I could fall in love with (and maybe marry) a rich guy. As my mom always said, “It’s just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man.”

While the more obvious perks of dating millionaires include expensive gifts and fancy dinners in exotic locales, a lesser known (but more valuable) bonus includes...

Firsthand access to the “secrets” behind every millionaire’s bank account!

Over time, I found the millionaire men I was dating to be more fascinating than their riches. They gave me an up-close view of their minds, the way they thought, the secrets to their success, and finally, entrée into an exclusive club that, for the longest time, has been reserved for men-only.

Unfortunately, it was a completely voyeuristic relationship. I was the outsider looking in; the third wheel simply “along for the ride” with these men and their money. In a sense, I was always the bridesmaid, but never the bride, until one of these millionaires said something that would forever alter how I saw men, money and myself:

“Alicia, you’re industrious enough to be your
own millionaire…”

It was the lightning spark that turned into a raging forest fire. Why it took a man – a millionaire, no less – to instill in me the confidence I needed to pursue my own financial fantasies, I’ll never know.

Initially, yes, I did sign up for a dating agency dreaming that it would be nice to fall in love with a rich man. After a while, though, I realized it would be easier – and more empowering – to make my own money. So I decided to write a book about my experience:

“Goal Digger – Lessons Learned From the
Rich Men I Dated.”

It’s a self-help book in every sense of the term. The 13 chapters run the gamut from the metaphysical and the philosophical to the practical and the financial, with a dash of juicy memoir mixed in for good measure.

Not long after the book launched the letters and emails from women began pouring in. I had no idea that my 247 page “female diary turned financial lesson” would be received so well by so many women. They were learning to visualize success, become fearless, embrace risk, and duplicate everything else millionaires do to make their dreams happen. But that was not enough.

The feedback coming in from women everywhere is
that they desperately craved MORE

More out of life, for starters. But also more “how to” information on becoming a “Wealthy Girl” like the kind described in my book. These women were looking to me for guidance on how to navigate the new path I had just revealed to them.

After weeks of contemplating how I could use my skills and talents to help these women, the answer was finally revealed to me. I envisioned a nationwide event that would get the attention of young women across the country to empower themselves, in a radical fashion, to be the creators of their own success.

More than just an event, this would be the kick-off
for a movement that would instill women to
create wealth in all areas of their life.

Donald Hantula, a psychology professor at Temple University explains: “For the first time in history, women have access to the same resources men have always had – money, social status, power. Women can go and acquire them on their own rather than searching for a mate to provide them. “

Although this is true, the problem is that most of the “how to” information on entrepreneurship and wealth building doesn’t address the unique financial challenges that come with being a woman… because most of them are created by men for other men.

For my event to be a true success I knew it
would have to meet the unique needs of
women everywhere.

First of all, the faculty would have to be 100% female: women learning at the feet of other successful women.

Secondly, the event could not interfere with the demands many women have at home, so the event must bring the voices of the world-class faculty right into the homes of the students.

The result was a “virtual gathering” of 13 of the brightest female minds on wealth creation, entrepreneurship, investing, and financial planning.

Go to to check out the fantastic offers now!

Christine Comaford-Lynch has built and sold 5 of her own businesses, consulted with 2 White House administrations and 700 of the Fortune 1000, invested in 200+ startups (including Google) all without a high school diploma or college degree.

Loral Langemeier is the author of The Millionaire Maker book series. She regularly divulges her financial insights in publications like USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and

Marci Shimoff is the author of Happy for No Reason and co-author of several books including Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul and is also featured in the international film and book sensation The Secret.

Tiffany Bass Bukow is the founder of, one of the most popular personal finance websites for women and families. It provides information on money and career skills plus interactive tools and seminars that make financial learning fun.

Maryanne Comaroto is a radio personality and the founder of the SHOMI™ Method of body-centered self-inquiry that helps women stop destructive cycles of self-defeating behavior. Her newest book is Happily Ever After: What You Need to Know Before You Drop Your Drawers.

Sanyika Calloway Boyce is the creator of the "Beyond Money Principles" a set of six steps designed to help gain true financial freedom by rewriting their "money stories" and changing their attitude about money.

Alexis Martin Neely is revolutionizing the legal world and getting you access to the same kind of personal legal advice that men like John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Warren Buffet have all used to their advantage as they grew their family fortunes.

Adryenn Ashley is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Certified Asset Protection Specialist, and Forensic Accountant who achieves the impossible by using laugh-out-loud humor to deliver financial and legal information.

Elizabeth Potts Weinstein is the founder of The Wealth Spa, helping women achieve their most important life goals teaching them how to gain power over their money and their lives.

Michelle Alberda is a financial planner and the co-founder of S.K.I.R.T.S., an entrepreneurial networking group for women. She is also past President of the Financial Women’s Association of San Francisco and is involved with many other women advocate groups such as Women’s Initiative.

Gina Stern is a millionaire entrepreneur and the brainchild behind d-parture spa - a spa created to meet the mind-body needs of time-poor and world-weary travelers making their way through airports.

Sandra Sellani uses her Brand Quotient Quiz to help companies develop winning brands that leave indelible impressions in the minds of their customers and prospects.

Alicia Dunams is me, the founder of the Wealthy Girl Summit and author of Goal Digger: Lessons Learned From the Rich Men I Dated.

Go to to check out the fantastic offers now!

These 13 women left an indelible mark on the
the participants of The Wealthy Girl Summit.

Here is just a sip of what they discussed:

  • How to safely invest for retirement based on your individual financial circumstances.

  • How to get access to funding sources that will allow you to invest in whatever venture you want.

  • How to structure your company to pay a minimum amount of taxes and provide maximum protection from lawsuits.

  • Why real estate is a great investment and how you can invest even if you don’t have good credit or a cash down payment.

  • The simple keys to building wealth that are already at your fingertips.
Go to to check out the fantastic offers now!

For women who lived in the San Francisco area we held a networking event. Here are what some of the women at that event had to say about the Wealthy Girl Summit:

"Any woman who missed out on Wealthy Girl Summit, missed out on a wealth of knowledge. I couldn't believe the calibar of speakers!"

- Hooman, Alice FM Radio, San Francisco, CA

"Wealthy Girl Summit was the shot in the arm I needed - it got me totally jazzed about accelarting my business growth and personal wealth. I have been to many seminars - too numerous to count - and Wealthy Girl Summit is the best one by far. It was fabulous!"

- Heather W. 33, Entrepreneur

"Wealthy Girl Summit couldn't have come at a more influential time in my life, as I have been so on the fence about my life, career, relationship etc. I walked out of the Wealthy Girl Summit feeling stronger than I have in months. It was seriously one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in my life."

- Samantha S. 27, Entrepreneur

"The speakers were exceptional and the information they gave was useful and timely. Adryenn Ashley is a ball of fire. Marci Shimoff and Loral Langemeier are tops in their fields; and the list went on. My suggestion is to buy the MP3’s of the Summit if they are available. Alicia great job!"

- Dr. Marlene Siersema, Author, Speaker, Coach

"I want to say THANK YOU to you! and all your panelists. The camaraderie and energy at Wealthy Girl Summit was fabuolus."

- Sandra T., Entreprenuer

"The Wealthy Girl Summit was absolutely amazing!"

- Patti R., Virtual Assistant

"I found Wealthy Girl Summit inspirational in a way I didn't expect, which made the entire experience all the more valuable. It was a powerful experience."

- Eileen M., Entrepreneur

"My sister and I attended Wealthy Girl Summit and it changed our perspective in a very positive way. It was such an inspiring event in our lives. Thank you."

- Jennifer A., Bartender

"Thank you to Wealthy Girl Summit. It definitely gave me a new perspective and challenged my "old" way of thinking."

- Linda K., Teacher

"Wealthy Girl Summit was extremely inspiring and informative. I was so inspired by the speakers that I hired new people to be a part of my work team and made major marketing steps this past week! I was also inspired by your testimony on stepping out on faith and taking bold steps to build your business.

I stepped out on faith this week and set up a business relationship with a business that caters to the same clientele as mine (i.e. they help clients property damage needs after a car accident and I help clients with their personal injury needs.) The company just launched a $30,000 marketing campaign and has three locations in northern California. On Wednesday, I called the store manager and proposed that I be their legal advisor for all clients that are injured in their accidents. I am the only personal injury lawyer that has ever approached this company and set up this relationship. As the company's new legal advisor, I'm going to benefit from all the business they receive from clients that have been injured in their car accidents.

Thanks for setting up the Wealthy Girl Summit and writing such an aspiring book.

- Bianca E., Lawyer

I want the information presented at The Wealthy Girl Summit to be accessible to women everywhere…
So I’m making the recordings available at a
fraction of the cost of the event!

Go to to check out the fantastic offers now!