Monday, July 28, 2008

P.S. My date with an expat

Long P.S.: So I went on a date last night with this American living
in London who is visiting SF for business. Nice chap. Mid-40s, tall,
good-looking with three kids. We had dinner at Water Bar, and the
conversation veered to marriage and kids. I would say it was more
his veering than mine - definitely so. He loved the fact I was a
mother, and went on to ask me those probing questions. You know those
questions - the ones in which you feel you are being sized up for
marriage. :)

He is a divorced man and I am a divorced woman. My marriage, which
basically, ended in a "peace out" (how sad is that) had an "easy"
divorce - we had no money and no property. But most divorces I hear
about our long, belabored, and ugly. So, what happens if you are a
woman marrying a divorced man who had one of these long, belabored,
and ugly divorces or vice versa. What are the economic implications??

That's where my friend, Adryenn Ashley, comes in. Her book launches
today, and it's all about the economics of divorce and marrying a
divorced man/woman, so check out

P.S.S. I will tell you later what happens between me and the
expat - if anything! :)


237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

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