Monday, July 28, 2008

What's your endgame??

It's been quite a while since I wrote a newsletter email, so I
thought it's about time I did.

I just got back from an amazing three weeks in Europe. I take ?
daughter to England every year to visit her grandparents who live
in the English Countryside. While she is visiting them, it gives me
a bit of free time to get some travel and adventure in, so I
visited two cities I've never been before: Prague and Dublin.

I have been known to travel alone, and I travel alone not only for
the sense of adventure and intrigue, but in the hopes to find some
tall European man to fall in love with and live happily ever after
- a la EAT PRAY LOVE. But what usually happens is I find myself
alone in a smoky cafe, people-watching and thinking too much --
thinking about my business, how to retire by age 35, and WHY I am
sitting alone in a smoky cafe people-watching. :) Ha-ha

I always wear something distinctly American when I travel - 10
years ago I traveled around the world with my trusty leather cowboy
hat (not really American, as I bought it in Costa Rica!). And now I
wore my favorite pair of roughed-up cowboy boots, aka.
'sh*t-kickers.' I loved the looks I got from international
passer-bys as I tromped through these delicate European cities - I
never know if they are looks of utter disdain or simple admiration -
or something in between. Anyway, the reason I tell you about my
travel tales is that I always find myself MAGNETICALLY CHARGED and
INSPIRED in new environments - I come up with great ideas and
resolutions, and arrive home with an INTENSE sense of ACTION. My
ENDGAME is always clearer.

So, what do I mean my endgame?

Endgame is what you visualize your life to be 1 year from now - 5
years from now - 10 years from now. It's what you want to be, do,
and have. It's being content and grateful for what you have now,
but focusing on something greater for the future. You need an
endgame in order to even THINK about an action plan.

So, my endgame is to be retired by the time I'm 35. (Of course, I
will still "work" because I'm an intrepid entrepreneur and I love
the creative process. But my endgame is not having to 'have' to
work at age 35. Big difference!) So let's see what happens -
I have 2 1/2 years to go... On your mark, get set, go...

So, what's your endgame??? ...because you need to determine THAT
before you determine anything else...

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P.S. and BTW - I hope I didn't offend anyone with the term
'sh*t-kickers'... :)

237 Kearny Street #174, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

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